Throughout my 5+ years as a writer, I’ve covered a lot of topics. Like, a lot. Some of these topics are right in my wheelhouse: yoga, mindfulness, Positive Psychology, etc. Others require more research: estate planning, real estate investing, pest control, etc. It takes up a lot of time. To switch things up, I recently decided to pivot away from blogging and focus more on long-form content for entrepreneurs and coaches.
That being said, there’s one topic that I keep coming back to: cannabis. I like writing about CBD and marijuana. I like writing for online dispensaries. But it’s not out of a Bob-Marley-flag-waving adoration for the devil’s lettuce. Cannabis is a plant that I’m familiar with, but there is so much behind this plant (and so much still to learn) that I’m not bored writing about it.
This brings me to the purpose of this blog post. I started writing for Remedy+ a few weeks ago, and was lucky enough to get some free product from them. I know many people have questions about CBD and different CBD products, so here is my honest attempt at answering these questions and providing a review of a brand I trust (and, honestly, really like.)
Quick CBD Facts and Fun
Before I dive into the products themselves, here’s a bit of information about CBD itself.
About Cannabis
CBD is found in the cannabis plant. Cannabis is categorized as either hemp or marijuana, depending on its THC levels. (Hemp contains less than .03% THC, whereas marijuana contains anywhere from .03-30% THC. Most strains contain between 9-25% THC.) THC is the stuff that gets you high.
CBD products generally don’t contain any THC. It can be isolated or extracted from the cannabis plant, and is then put in tinctures, oils, bath bombs, you name it.
Cannabis and the Body
CBD is non-intoxicating, but I’m typically hesitant to say that it’s non-psychoactive. You won’t get you high when consuming CBD, but you might experience some changes throughout the body. (Why else would people put it in cookies, anyway?) CBD interacts with endocannabinoid system, which was actually discovered in the 1980s while researching cannabis. (Neat!) The ECS plays a role in a few different bodily functions, including mood, pain, and appetite.
How does CBD interact with the endocannabinoid system? It’s hard to say for certain with very few studies and not a whole lot of funding going toward CBD research. Funding is scarce partially because cannabis is considered a Schedule I drug by the DEA, meaning it has “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” (There are many reasons why this makes me roll my eyes, but my rants on the War on Drugs are for another blog post.)
Don’t worry. CBD derived from hemp, rather than marijuana, is legal in all 50 states.
What Does CBD “Feel” Like?
Don’t sit around waiting for CBD-only products to “hit.” It’s not going to, and it doesn’t for me.
(Keep in mind that I’m an able-bodied person without any chronic illness or pain. I don’t take CBD for joint pain relief. I take up to 25mg at a time, although you could take double that amount without experiencing serious side effects.)
I don’t experience any radical changes from CBD, but I do feel as though my mind is more clear and I’m more alert. I haven’t used CBD to “treat” any brain fog or mental fatigue, but when I try, I’ll let you know how it goes. I use CBD as I would use a nootropic, so use that information how you will.
I like CBD. It’s not a miracle (for me.) But I feel nice after I take it in the morning or to wind down at night. If you’re interested in it, give it a go.
Remedy+ CBD Products
Okay, so let’s talk about one specific CBD brand. Remedy+ sets itself apart from other CBD brands because it focuses more on performance and recovery. Instead of helping you “chill out,” these products are meant to encourage focus, alertness, and energy. I appreciate this, especially because I’ve had a lot of trouble focusing during quarantine.
Remedy+ has three products, and I tried them all:
Let’s talk about them.
Review: Remedy+ The Drop

Remedy+ The Drop: $39.95 (as of June 2020)
The DROP is probably my favorite, and the one I’d recommend the most to first-time CBD users. All you have to do is take a little dropper and squeeze 18mg CBD under your tongue. Wait a minute, swish it around, and you’re good.
CBD tinctures and oils in this form are great because they’re really versatile. I’m drinking a coffee with The Drop right now. (It doesn’t mix super well, but there’s no real difference in taste.) It’s a great addition to your morning routine, whether that means enjoying it after a workout or while you’re waiting for your coffee to brew.
The Drop contains MCT oil as a carrier oil. This doesn’t make a difference to me, but it does get Keto fans all riled up. In addition to the product’s broad-spectrum hemp oil, The Drop contains orange and cinnamon essential oils for an extra zing and unique flavor. (It smells so good when you put it in a coffee.)
(Broad-spectrum, as opposed to isolate, is a type of CBD that contains terpenes and other active ingredients within the hemp plant. You get more bang for your buck, in my opinion. Plus, extracting CBD is a lot more work than allowing some extra flavors to make their way into your CBD oil.)
I give this guy a 10/10. I always feel alert after using it, the taste is good, and the price is phenomenal. Seriously. There aren’t many CBD tinctures or oils that you can get for less than $40. If you’re hesitant about trying CBD, try this first.
Review: Remedy+ The Shot

Remedy+ The Shot, $89.95 for a case of 12
I’ve always been a passionate morning person. (Just ask any of the people who lived with me in Melbourne. As they got back from warehouse raves, I was making coffee.) Once 2 or 3 p.m. hits, I’m ready to call it a day. Unfortunately, my workload says otherwise, and I’m usually not done until 4 or 5.
So I need an afternoon boost. And that’s when I grab The Shot.
The Shot, like the Drop, is great throughout the day:
- As a morning boost
- As a hangover remedy
- Before a workout
- To replace that afternoon coffee that you don’t really need but you make it just so you have something to do other than work
In addition to broad-spectrum CBD, The Shot also has 30mg of caffeine. That’s equivalent to a few sips of that coffee that you don’t really need but you make it just so you have something to do other than work.
Like The Drop, The Shot also contains orange and cinnamon. I’m not crazy about the flavor, because I have a lot of memories of drinking Fireball that the cinnamon brings up. Plus, at 2oz, I can’t do the whole shot at once. Again, flashbacks.
That’s the only reason I’m giving The Shot a 7/10. It’s a nice boost, it’s easy to take with you to the gym or in your bag, but it’s not my favorite way to consume CBD.
Review: Remedy+ The Caps

Remedy+ The Cap: $79.95
Maybe I lost you at the mention of orange and cinnamon flavors. That’s okay. You don’t have to find another brand if you want CBD without extra flavors. The Cap doesn’t contain any additional flavors. It does, however, contain Beta Caryophyllene (a terpene that may help with pain management) and Curcuminoids. Curcuminoids, most notably found in turmeric, may also assist with pain management.
I’ve only taken one capsule at a time, at night. They don’t contain melatonin, and they don’t necessarily make you sleepy. But CBD is thought to help the body maintain homeostasis. When I take The Cap, my Sleep Cycle app records a night of high-quality sleep without many interruptions.
I give The Cap a 9/10. The capsules are cost-effective (30 softgels with 25mg CBD in each softgel,) flavorless, easy to swallow, and a nice way to wind down. Again, they don’t contain melatonin, so if you don’t like the texture of shots or droppers, you can try this throughout the day instead.
Final Thoughts
If you’re curious about CBD, I highly recommend checking out this brand first. Again, $50 for a CBD dropper is a pretty sweet deal. Remedy+ has a good range of CBD products designed to help you recover at night and get right back to work in the morning.
Let me know if you buy some and we’ll compare notes.