KindMeal is a must-have app for vegetarians in Malaysia

KindMeal Is a Must-Have App for Vegetarians in Malaysia

Southeast Asia is a foodie’s paradise, but I have to admit, I was a little nervous to start eating street food, or any type of food, as a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian for close to four years now, and love my meat-free lifestyle. I have to admit that when I meet other vegetarians, or hear that a friend has cut meat out of their life, I do a little happy dance!

Vegetarian travelers, never fear. I have had no problems sticking to meat-free meals while in Southeast Asia. I’m happy to say that Kuala Lumpur (where I will be staying for the next few weeks) has been the easiest place to eat vegetarian in Southeast Asia. Why? I have the help of a fantastic app called KindMeal.

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